2024 - World Cruise (Index)
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Sydney to Brisbane (112 Nights) - Revised Itinerary

Charlie Oscar Romeo Alpha Lima    Papa Romeo India November Charlie Echo Sierra Sierra



The adventure begins Thursday, 02 May 2024 Tuesday, 30 April 2024 when we board the Coral Princess in Brisbane Sydney for the start of the 2024 - World Cruise and this blog. The blog will be updated when we find a few spare moments. Please check regularly as multiple blogs might be uploaded on the same day. The same is true for the photos.

Coral Princess  Balcony cabin

This adventure is expected to include:

  • 110 112 night Brisbane Sydney to Brisbane world cruise. Cruising over 34,000 35,400 nautical miles (or more than 1.5 times around the world)
  • Sailing on the Coral Princess operated by the Princess Cruises line (that's her above). With 2,000 passengers and 895 crew, the ship is 294m long and with 16 decks
  • Visiting 47 42 ports in 32 29 countries, including extended visitis to Aqaba (for Petra), Barcelona, Copenhagen, Reykjavik, Cobh (for an Irish Australia Day celebration), Boston and Tahiti.
    • Spending a couple of days in Cape Town, Stockholm, New York and Lima
    • New destinations include: Bali, the Greek island of Crete (maiden call), France's Corsica, Port Louis in Mauritius, Walvis Bay in Namibia, Mindelo in Cape Verde Islands, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, Ijmuiden (for Amsterdam) in Netherlands, Warnemunde (for Berain Germany), Visby on Gotland Island (Sweden), Aarhus in Denmark (maiden call), Kristiansand in Norway, Le Havre in France, Edinburgh in Scotland (maiden call), two additional new ports in Iceland, Bar Harbor (Maine, USA), and hopefully this time Easter Island
    • Access to over 27 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Old and New Towns of Edinburgh, Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana (Pisco), The Statue of Liberty (New York) and Rapa Nui National Park (Easter Island)

Pre-cruise Happenings

Cruise Event Date
WC23 & WC24 WC catch-up #4 for 2021 - Brisbane Fri 03 Dec 2021
WC23 & WC24 WC catch-up #1 for 2022 - Redcliffe Thu 24 Mar 2022
WC23 & WC24 WC catch-up #2 for 2022 - Brisbane Sun 03 Apr 2022
WC24 & WC25
(WC18 group)
WC catch-up #1 for 2023 - Springwood Tue 10 Oct 2023
WC24 WC catch-up #2 for 2023 - Cleveland Sat, 11 Nov 2023
WC24 Gift hamper from TA (Clean Cruising) Thu 01 Feb 2024
WC24 WC catch-up #1 for 2024 - Brisbane Sat, 23 Mar 2024
WC24 Last Oz stop before WC24 cruise - Brisbane Fri, 29 Mar 2024

Segment #1 – Sydney to Tangier

Day Port of call Date
1 Sydney, Australia 30 April 2024
2-5 At Sea 01-04 May 2024
6 Fremantle, Australia 05 May 2024
7-13 At Sea 06-12 May 2024
14 Port Louis, Mauritius 13 May 2024
15-19 At Sea 14-18 May 2024
20 Cape Town, South Africa - Day 1 19 May 2024
21 Cape Town, South Africa - Day 2 20 May 2024
22 At Sea 21 May 2024
23 Walvis Bay, Namibia 22 May 2024
24-30 At Sea 23-29 May 2024
31 Mindelo, Cape Verde Islands 30 May 2024
32-33 At Sea 30 May - 01 Jun 2024
34 Las Palmas, Canary Islands 02 Jun 2024
35 At Sea 03 Jun 2024
36 Tangier, Morocco 04 Jun 2024

Segment #2 – Tangier to Dover

Day Port of call Date
1 Tangier, Morocco 04 Jun 2024
2-3 At Sea 05-06 Jun 2024
4 Cobh, Ireland 07 Jun 2024
5 At Sea 08 Jun 2024
6 Zeebrugge, Belgium 09 Jun 2024
7 Ijmuiden (Amsterdam), Netherlands 10 Jun 2024
8 At Sea 11 Jun 2024
9 Warnemunde, Germany 12 Jun 2024
10 At Sea 13 Jun 2024
11 Riga, Latvia 14 Jun 2024
12 Helsinki, Finland 15 Jun 2024
13 Tallinn, Estonia 16 Jun 2024
14 Visby, Sweden 17 Jun 2024
15 Stockholm, Sweden (day 1) 18 Jun 2024
16 Stockholm, Sweden (day 2) 19 Jun 2024
17 At Sea 20 Jun 2024
18 Copenhagen, Denmark 21 Jun 2024
19 Aarhus, Denmark 22 Jun 2024
20 Kristiansand, Norway 23 Jun 2024
21 At Sea 24 Jun 2024
22 Dover, United Kingdom 25 Jun 2024

Segment #3 – Dover to New York

Day Port of call Date
1 Dover, United Kingdom 25 Jun 2024
2 Le Havre, France 26 Jun 2024
3 At Sea 27 Jun 2024
4 Queensferry (Edinburgh), Scotland 28 Jun 2024
5-6 At Sea 29-30 Jun 2024
7 Akureyri, Iceland 01 Jul 2024
8 Isafjordur, Iceland 02 Jul 2024
9 Reykjavik, Iceland 03 Jul 2024
10-13 At Sea 04-07 Jul 2024
14 Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia 08 Jul 2024
15 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 09 Jul 2024
16 Bar Harbor, Maine, USA 10 Jul 2024
17 Boston, Massachusetts, USA 11 Jul 2024
18 At Sea 12 Jul 2024
19 New York (Manhattan), USA (day 1) 13 Jul 2024

Segment #4 – New York to Brisbane

Day Port of call Date
1 New York (Manhattan), USA (day 1) 13 Jul 2024
2 New York (Manhattan), USA (day 2) 14 Jul 2024
3-4 At Sea 15-16 Jul 2024
5 Key West, Florida, USA 17 Jul 2024
6-7 At Sea 18-19 Jul 2024
8 Panama Canal - transit 20 Jul 2024
9 At Sea (equator crossing) 21 Jul 2024
10 Manta, Ecuador 22 Jul 2024
11-12 At Sea 23-24 Jul 2024
13 Lima (Callao), Peru (day 1) 25 Jul 2024
14 Lima (Callao), Peru (day 2) 26 Jul 2024
15 Pisco (San Martin), Peru 27 Jul 2024
16-19 At Sea 28-31 Jul 2024
20 Easter Island, Chile 01 Aug 2024
21-22 At Sea 02-03 Aug 2024
23 Pitcairn Island, Pitcairn Islands (scenic) 04 Aug 2024
24-25 At Sea 05-06 Aug 2024
26 Papeete, French Polynesia 07 Aug 2024
27 Moorea, French Polynesia 08 Aug 2024
28-32 At Sea (International Date Line) 09-14 Aug 2024
33 Auckland, New Zealand 15 Aug 2024
34 Bay of Islands, New Zealand 16 Aug 2024
35-36 At Sea 17-18 Aug 2024
37 Sydney, Australia 19 Aug 2024
38 At Sea 20 Aug 2024
39 Brisbane, Australia 21 Aug 2024

Other key links:

This trip is on the Coral Princess. Click to open a new tab of the current ship's bridge cam. The ship's current location is available on Vessel Finder and Sea Scanner. A recent view of the ship's bridge cam:

Some more fun facts about our 2024 World Cruise

Crossing 3 4 oceans and at least 25 9 seas, including:

  • Pacific Ocean (north and south)
  • Indian Ocean
  • Atlantic Ocean (north and south) “The Pond”
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Baltic Sea
  • Caribbean Sea - "Order of the Spanish Main"
  • Tasman Sea - "Crossing the Ditch"

Through at least 24 16 gulfs, straits, fjords and channels, including:

  • Gulf of Aden (aka "Pirate Alley")
  • Strait of Gibraltar - "Order of the Rock"
  • English Channel
  • Fjords: Eyjafjörður and Ísafjarðardjúp in Iceland - first time for both of these fjords

Into at least 22 25 canals, rivers, lakes, bays and harbours, including:

  • Suez Canal plus Great Bitter Lake - "Safari to Suez"
  • Panama Canal plus Gatun Lake - "Order of the Ditch"
  • Brisbane and Hudson Rivers
  • Sydney Harbour

Crossing five different major invisible lines:

  • Tropic of Capricorn
  • Equator crossing (twice) - "Shellback"
  • Tropic of Cancer (twice) - "Ducking and shaving"
  • Prime meridian (three times)
  • International Date Line – westward for the "Domain of the Golden Dragon"

We will also be:

  • visiting Cobh for their wonderful Australia Day party
  • returning to Halifax for the "Order of the Good Time"
  • completing a third continuous lap around the world - "Order of Magellan"


07 Feb 2024: With just 85 days to go, there was a major itinerary change annouced by Princess today:

Based on the current security environment and future uncertainties in this area of the world, we have made the difficult decision to reroute this cruise to bypass the Red Sea and surrounding region, including transit of the Suez Canal.

As a result, you will now embark two days earlier than originally scheduled and in a different port — in Sydney on Tuesday, 30 April, instead of in Brisbane on Thursday, 2 May.

In addition, we will no longer visit Asia, the Middle East, or the Mediterranean. Instead, after leaving Sydney we will travel to Fremantle then on to South Africa and up the west coast of Africa, exploring one-of-a-kind destinations along the way. From there we will resume our schedule in Tangier.

Princess will fly us down to Sydney and we will have two extra nights on-board at no cost (now 112 nights). In addition, they have been very generous and have offered a Future Cruise Credit of 15% of the cruise fare and $750 each onboard credit.

30 Jan 2024: The following was reported in today's press: MIAMI, Jan. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Carnival Corporation & plc (NYSE/LSE: CCL; NYSE: CUK) is committed to the safety and well-being of its guests and crew and has been actively monitoring the situation in the Red Sea and surrounding region. Given recent developments and in close consultation with global security experts and government authorities, the Company has made the decision to reroute itineraries for 12 ships across seven brands, which were scheduled to transit the Red Sea through May 2024. This World Cruise on the Coral Princess is one of the 12 ships.

In another news release, the company advised that the itinerary for the upcoming world cruise on the Coral Princess is currently being “re-worked” and expected in three days.

14 Dec 2023: Final payment for this cruise was made today. After the challenges of the past few years, it's now very real. Fingers crossed we'll be able to cruise the Red Sea (due to attacks from Houthi militants in Yemen). Only 140 days to go...

01 Feb 2023: The two-day visit to St. Petersburg, Russia has been cancelled. It has been replaced by an extra day in Stockholm (now cruising to the port near the city centre) and adding a call to Visby, Sweden on the island of Gotland. That's very good news.

10 Nov 2021: Our expected 107-night 2022 World Cruise was cancelled due to Australian COVID-19 restrictions. Princess offered to transfer to the 110-night 2024 World Cruise on the Coral Princess for the same price and we accepted. Just over 900 days until embarkation...

15 Sep 2020: Today we booked the 2022 World Cruise on the Coral Princess - only 613 days until embarkation. The adventure begins 20 May 2022 when we board the Coral Princess in BrisbaneNote: Little did we know it would be changed to the 2024 World Cruise from Brisbane. That's 1,326 days (or 3 years, 7 months, 18 days) between booking and the new embarkation - a serious countdown!


2024 World Cruise

Charlie Oscar Romeo Alpha Lima    Papa Romeo India November Charlie Echo Sierra Sierra

Our Travel Blogs

Kauai, 2019  Key West, 2018  Greenland, 2018  Iceland, 2018

Welcome from David and Lyn.

The format of our site is in three parts:

  1. Blog server - our day-to-day travel blogs (this website)
  2. Photo server - some of our key photos
  3. YouTube channel - our videos (many linked directly from our blogs)

The site includes hundreds of searchable travel blogs. Some of our longer trips are listed below. 

General travel

Antigua, 2012  Montego Bay, 2013  Manta, 2013  Zanzibar, 2020


Thank you for visiting our website.

Best regards

David and Lyn
e-mail: brizzy@outlook.com.au

Ballroom Blitz, 2017  Formal night, 2020  Australia Day, 2020  Belize, 2013

Cruise countdown

2025 World Cruise Blog Starting Page


2024 World Cruise Blog Starting Page


Links to major adventures


2024 - World Cruise on the Coral Princess

Blog - Apr 2024 to Aug 2024

  • Segment #1: Sydney to Tangier - 35 Days
  • Segment #2: Tangier to Dover (via Baltic) - 21 Days
  • Segment #3: Dover to New York - 18 Days
  • Segment #4: New York to Brisbane - 38 Days

2020 – Indian Ocean & South Africa Odyssey + Southern Australia Explorer

Blog - Jan 2020 to Mar 2020


2019 - Hawaii, Tahiti and South Pacific cruise on the Sea Princess

Blog - Aug 2019 to Oct 2019


2018 - World Cruise on the Sea Princess
Blog - Jun 2018 to Sept 2018
  • Segment #1: Brisbane to Dubai - 19 Days
  • Segment #2: Dubai to London - 30 Days
  • Segment #3: London to New York - 20 Days
  • Segment #4: New York to Brisbane - 37 Days
2017 - Cherry Blossom cruise (a.k.a. China - Japan cruise)
Cherry Blossom cruise
Blog - March 2017 to April 2017
2016 - World Cruise on the Sea Princess   Sea Princess entering Sydney harbour - 28 Aug 2016
Blog - May 2016 to Aug 2016
  • Segment #1: Sydney to Dubai – 20 Days
  • Segment #2: Dubai to London – 35 Days
  • Segment #3: London to New York – 11 Days
  • Segment #4: New York to Sydney – 38 Days
  • Home Leg: Sydney to Brisbane – 2 Days
2015 - Hawaii, Tahiti and South Pacific cruise on the Sun Princess Samoa - 21 July 2015
Blog - Jul. 2015 to Aug. 2015
2014 - South East Asia on the MV Voyager  Sihanoukville - 01 March 2014
Blog - Feb. 2014 to Mar. 2014
  • Leg #1 Treasures of Asia
  • Leg #2 Colours of the Indian Ocean
2012 - Caribbean cruise on the MV Voyager Montego Bay - 04 Jan 2013
Blog (by Lyn) - Nov 2012 to Jan 2013
Photos (by David and Lyn)
  • Leg #1 Voyage to the Caribbean
  • Leg #2 Caribbean Gems
  • Leg #3 A Tapestry of Central America
2011 – Far East cruise on the MV Discovery Shanghai - 08 Jan 2012
Blog (by David) - Dec 2011 to Feb 2012
Photos (by David)
  • Leg #1 Treasures of the Orient and Vietnam
  • Leg #2 Empires of the Sun
  • Leg #3 South East Asia and Australia
2010 - Caribbean cruise on the MV Discovery Chichen Itza - 21 Dec. 2010
Blog (by David) - Nov 2010 to Jan 2011 
Photos (by David) 
  • Leg #1 Discovery of the New World
  • Leg #2 Colonial Trails of the Caribbean
  • Leg #3 Tales of the Old Spanish Main
2009 - Grand Voyage of Discovery from Mumbai (India) to London on the MV Discovery
Blog (by David) - Mar 2009 to May 2009 Baalbek, Lebanon - 17 April 2009
Photos (by David)
  • Leg #1 India and The Persian Gulf
  • Leg #2 Red Sea and Eastern Mediterranean
  • Leg #3 Black Sea, Turkey and Greek Isles
  • Leg #4 European - mainly the Mediterranean
At Sea

23-24 July 2024
At sea travelling from Manta, Ecuador to Lima, Peru

The above photos

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Manta, Ecuador

Monday, 22 July 2024
As we have visited Manta a few times before, today was all about relaxing.

The shuttle from the ship dropped us off at the new cruise terminal.


David and Kevin visited the Museo del Banco Central … showcasing valuable artifacts from the pre-Columbian Manta culture (some 1550 BC), while Lyn enjoyed some “me” time at the new Mall del Pacifico shopping centre.



The traffic was crazy along the main road, and so was one of Manta's locals … a man juggling three machetes in front of the cars stopped at the traffic lights. What a way to earn a living!

We had a quick bite to eat at the food court before heading to Playa Murcielago beach, which is located next to the new cruise terminal. There’s plenty of snack bars, restaurants and umbrella rental spots along the strip.


Time for the mandatory lunch time beer at the La Dolce Vita (meaning: sweet life; the good life perceived as one of physical pleasure and self-indulgence).


A very relaxing afternoon enjoying the ocean views and environment.

For more photos / album slideshow:


Ecuador  Manabí Province  Manta

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At Sea

21 July 2024

Yesterday we left the Panama Canal entering Panama Bay, the Gulf of Panama and the Pacific Ocean, as we cruise to Manta, Ecuador.

Noon today we celebrated our second crossing of the equator for this trip with the usual line-crossing ceremony. The first was in the Atlantic on the 28 May, just off the west coast of Africa. Today it's back into the southern hemisphere in the Pacific just off the west coast of South America. Hello winter...

Editor's note:
The actual crossing was at 12:48am tonight (0o latitude, 80o 40' 7" West longitude).

Gulf of Panama
The Gulf of Panama is a gulf in the Pacific Ocean, near the southern coast of Panama. It has a maximum width of 250 km, a maximum depth of 220 m and the size of 2,400 km2. The Panama Canal connects the Gulf of Panama with the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The Panamanian capital Panama City is the main urban centre on the gulf shore.
Source: Wikipedia

Gulf of Panama

For photos / slideshow:

Pacific Ocean
The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south and is bounded by Asia and Australia in the west and the Americas in the east.

At 165.25 million km2 in area, this ocean covers about 46% of the Earth's water surface and about one-third of its total surface area, making it larger than all of the Earth's land area combined.
Source: Wikipedia

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Pacific Ocean
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Photo station